Monday, June 11, 2007

Birds are great but people make for more interesting conversation

I've had some visitors stay with me so far this summer, and its been a blast. More are welcome!

Brent came and checked Tree Swallow nests.

Mom and Dad checking out the ducks at the weir - pretty much the only place there's water left in the lake, its been drying up for years.

Chillin on the porch, in the sweet sweet hammock chair.

Mom with a Least Flycatcher.

We caught a male Ruby-throated Hummingbird, but my camera wouldn't focus!

Putting up some more nest boxes along the road.

We checked out the Great Horned Owl nest too - here's Mom with the adult owl in the tree in the background.

Come visit! I love my job and love to show people all the great things out here. But beware of gianormous mosquitos in vast numbers!

1 comment:

Heather said...

BAH! I want to come visit you so badly! I hope it works out with work. lousy no good schedule to keep.