Sunday, May 20, 2007

Owl Banding

About a week ago (May 10), Allicia and I had an amazing opportunity to band Great Horned Owl chicks with 2 seasoned raptor banders - Al and Hardy. Here's a photo journal of that experience.

The first nest of the day (there were 3 total).

Al climbing the tree.

Retrieving the owlets from the nest.

Lowering the owlets from the nest in a canvas sack to where we banded them on the ground.

Aw, they're so....cute?

Hardy banding the first one of the day.

These chicks are around 16-18 days old.

I'm attempting to close the band - very tough.

Owl parents can be very aggressive in defense of their young - their large talons are the part to watch out for. None attacked that day, but look how close this one got to Allicia's head.

28-30 day old chicks. Al says that they have already fledged (left the nest) since we banded them.

Al and Hardy instructing Allicia.

Allicia wearing all the climbing gear (spikes, belt to wrap around the tree). She climbed two of the trees.

30 day old chicks doing a threat display to make themselves look bigger. They also make quite a racket by clacking their bills to express their displeasure at the whole situation. It sounds like hitting two sticks together.

One of the parents.

Mom and Dad owl watching over the proceedings.

Allicia from the top of the last tree after she returned the owlets to the nest.


Heather said...

Sweet pictures anna! I can't believe those owls didn't attack you guys.

Anna said...

I know! I kind hoped they would though, because then (with a big net) we could have caught and banded them which would have been really awesome!